1.5% COLA approved.
The retirement multiplier increased from 3.0% to 3.1%, to be used in all retirement and DROP calculations regardless of DROP date, effective September 1, 1999.
The Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) benefits are made available to eligible survivors of members who die before retirement but after becoming eligible for a DROP.
A 3.33% benefit increase was approved effective September 1, 1999, for all retirees at the time based on the percentage increase of the retirement multiplier from 3.0% to 3.10%.
After 2004, annual COLAs of 0.5% would be granted to retirees and beneficiaries if inflation was at least 0.5%. The COLA was not limited to 0.5%, but the idea was to determine required funding in advance. If inflation exceeded 0.5%, the Board and actuary would have to approve any portion above 0.5% based on the financial health of the Fund.
Mortality rate assumption for actives and non-disabled annuitants were updated to the 1994 Group Annuity Mortality tables, to reflect industry standards.
The Fund made an actuarial assumption of 3.50% anticipated COLA through 2004 (which was less than a 5% anticipated COLA previously assumed).